2 thoughts on “Blog

  1. G’day Crawf – firstly, thank you for this website, it’s a terrific resource that has no doubt helped countless people greatly, including me.

    My question relates to the Immigrant Data Summary I’ve just received along with my Immigrant Visa from the US Consulate General in Sydney, Australia.

    All information on my Immigrant Data Summary is correct except ‘Final Address in the US’ – it appears the consular official who processed my case has used the original address included when I filled out the DS-260 electronic application, as opposed to the updated address I wrote on the DV Document Cover Sheet submitted at my recent DV appointment (my good friend has recently moved houses in the same city in the US, hence the change).

    Am I right in thinking that the address on the Immigrant Data Summary is where the Consulate will eventually mail my Green Card, despite the update on my DV Document Cover Sheet? Is it imperative to contact the consulate to rectify?

    Thanks very much,


    1. Hey J, I honestly would not have a clue. If your friend has a postal redirect set up to have mail sent from their old to new address, you should be fine. If you want to be on the safe side, and I wouldn’t blame you if you do, I’d call the consulate and tell them what happened.

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